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pollution questions for students

a. Provide reference. a) CO. b) Rn. This is a tricky question, because air pollution … (4) Do you think the Kyoto Protocol and international meetings help reduce pollution? A pair of protective headphones reduces the sound of a jet engine from 150 dB to 90 dB. Why was this chemical banned in some countries? Which one do you consider to be the worst type and why? Check your mastery of this concept by taking a short quiz. Plastic is a toxic material, and it pollutes the water bodies – lakes, rivers, ponds etc. What possible solutions are there? Determine a hypothesis on finding if the disappearance of a particular fish species from a lake in the northwestern United States is due to acid rain resulting from industrial air pollution. Give examples of combustion gases that are regarded as secondary pollutants. After the post-test was administered, semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven students. b. (a) Nutrient cycling (b) Bioaccumulation (c) Bioremediation (d) Food production. DDT is also toxic to fish and aquatic invertebrates. What is an example of a biodegradable pollutant? What effect did DDT have on bald eagles such that the pesticide nearly wiped out this species? In whichever way we can, we should try to appease the effects of plastic pollution … Discuss the neutralization of acid rain. What household items should be recycled? [{Blank}] is a measure of the amount of oxygen required aerobically to decompose organic matter in the water. a. CO2 b. Cl c. C d. O2. What are the major laws that regulate water pollution? Explain that Stuff This is a good website for finding out about all sorts of things, including technology and the environment. (b) Secondary school stage. Include a brief discussion and examples for each. There are questions to ask the students for every picture. The quantity of oxygen required by micro organisms to oxidize the organic compounds in a sample as deter present in a sample is called? The pollutants that contribute the most to acid deposition are: a. CO(g) and NO2(g) b. SO2(g) and NO2(g) c. CO(g) and SO2(g) d. NO2(g) and O3(g). We also know the “importance” of plastic in our lives, as it’s cheap, easily carry around and… (a) Primary school stage. Asbestos dust c. Carbon monodioxide d. Lead. Increases B. Decreases C. No change. Increasing levels of pollutants at higher levels in the food chain is referred to as _______. Use a diagra... Congress passed the Clean Air Act in 1970. It forms acid rain. Would it be socially efficient to clean up all man-made pollution? Pollution is often an unavoidable byproduct of production, and is usually (not always!) What is the overall chemical reaction? D) nitrates. b) meltdown of reactor cores fro... Write the equation for the reaction of nitric acid (from acid rain) with cobalt to form cobalt (II) nitrate and a gaseous product. Discuss six major sources of air pollution (three indoor and three outdoor). 4. False, Pollution can enter aquatic ecosystems through the soil. Define them. 1. 4. Describe the processes by which chemicals move thorough the environment. 2. In what ways does this reflect a failure of the market solution? The Hubbard Brook Experiment demonstrated that acid rain removed what from the soil? Questions for Water Pollution Presentation. Did a helicopter crash in Chernobyl cause the disaster? Pick one type of pollution impact (air, noise, or ecosystem) to address the issue of cost. How might this approach be used to reduce the effects of acid rain? Explain why, or why not, using scientific reasoning. Much of this acid was the result of the emission of sulfur oxides by coal-fired electricity-generati... (a) Name the major indoor air pollutants. At a jewelry show, you overhear a person looking at an amber brooch say that she wishes it contained an insect so that she would have a fossil. What percent of the noise is being blocked? ... to sponsor a kit for a classroom of students (you can educate 30 students for as little as $85). Explain why bioaccumulation of toxins often is a more serious problem in marine food webs than in terrestrial food webs. What are the different types of water pollution? b. When does a precipitation reaction occur? 1. d. Re... Do people of lesser means in America feel the impact of pollution disproportionately to those of greater means? a. nitrogen b. potassium c. phosphorous d. calcium. (a) Bioaccumulation (b) Biomagnification (c) Osmoregulation (d) Trophic efficiency. Take a look and you might use it for your assignment or prepare speech. Earth Science and Physical Science. I think we all have heard the advice to reduce plastic usage in our daily life. 7. What are some perspectives regarding pollution law as unjust? This process is called biological . c. How can food poisoning be prevented? 2. One method of reducing acid rain is scrubbing the combustion products before they are emitted from power plant smoke stacks. Why are they more important than others? 30 c. 60 d. 90. How do microorganisms vary, in both their pathogenicity and virulence, using the opportunistic infections as examples? Nicole Hancock. What causes acid rain? 1. Briefly explain your choice in a few sentences. How can these chemicals affect you and what can you do to minimize these effects? Which air pollutant contributes to adverse health effects? The effects of pollution are generally considered to be density-independent because: \\ a. when food supplies become limited, the organisms are more likely to consume contaminated foods. Create private property rights. It causes eutrophication of ponds and lakes b. What can you do help prevent pollution? Back to Science for Kids How many animals die from pollution each year? - Quiz & Worksheet for Kids, Creating Solutions From Elements & Compounds, Water Treatment: Quiz & Worksheet for Kids, Using Bioremediation to Clean Up the Environment, Create an account to browse all assets today, To learn more about the information we collect, how we use it and your choices visit our, Biological and Biomedical Can you think of a way acid rain could be produced even without industrial pollution? Why did the helicopter crash over Chernobyl? Explain the Geneva Convention on Long-Range Trans-boundary Air Pollution. People in urban areas have higher levels of asthma. List three ways in which groundwater can be contaminated. False, Nitrogen oxides can combine with water in the atmosphere and form nitric acid, one of the components of harmful acid deposition. Plastic is the cancer for our environment!!! Select the most effective chemical reagent to desulfurize Stelco's gas emissions. What is the equilibrium permit price? b)... During the combustion of fossil fuels, SO2 and NO2 react with water in the atmosphere. The acidity of water with an initial pH of 5.5 was tested using the following procedure: The pH of a volume of 50.00 mL water sample was adjusted to 4.0 using a 5 mL 0.1 N H2SO4 solution. an external cost of production. A complicating factor in the environment (like the pesticide DDT) is the idea of ''biomagnification'', or the accumulation of pollutants and their effects in organisms higher up the food chain. What are the differences between primary and secondary pollutants? Suppose that acid rain falls in an area where the soil has a high buffering capacity. When decomposers are unable to break down industrial wastes, they become more concentrated as they move through the food chain. How badly do you think that you pollute? Discuss briefly. b. A) True B) False. a) volcanoes. What would not be a reason for this? a. What are some ways one can turn the sources of pollutants in the atmosphere into harmless substances? List the 4 distinct impurities found in the dried acid. … A. What is bioaccumulation? Lead, however, can seep into the topsoil and contaminates water supply and land, creating signific... Based on society's perspective, what are the benefits from pollution abatement? Acid rain is a form of precipitation that is more acidic than typical rainwater. How it can be prevented? Acid rain was at one time an important point of contention between the United States and Canada. mercury in fish) in the tissues of organisms as itis passed up a food chain is called what? You add 5.00 mL of the titrant sodium hydroxide with a co... What is not an example of white noise? What measures are being taken by government of India to check this pollution? a. Now the solution is Filtered and 100 mL of a clear solution of filtrate is mixed with 100 mL of 0.03 M Na Br. (a) Define and distinguish between point and non-point source pollution. legislative or technology restrictions) to reduce greenhouse gas pollutants, would the outcomes of the policy necessarily be efficient? Essay on Plastic Pollution: For a long time now, plastic pollution in the environment has been a topic of great concern. Explain fully making references to economic concepts. The increase in the concentration of a substance (i.e. Were the Chernobyl firefighters buried in concrete? (True/False). Another form of acid rain is one based around an nitrogen containing acid. How can workplace environmental pollution be prevented? which kind of environmental issue is illustrated by this example? Fan motor b. Static c. Television d. Subtle hissing sound. Answer true or false: Agricultural chemicals are a source of water pollution. a. producers b. herbivores c. primary carnivores d. top carnivores. Birds feed at a relatively high trophic level in marine food webs. (b) Give an example of each. State two natural and two man-made causes for sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere. Define or give the meaning of each of the following classes of airborne contaminants and estimation of sizes. D) Argon. Carbon footprint is a term used to describe the impact an individual has on the release of carbon compounds, including carbon dioxide, into the environment. Provide examples of secondary pollutants that become dangerous after reacting to the atmosphere. How will scientists studying the atmosphere, air pollution, and weather patterns affect the economy, politics, and society? How do these characteristics influence the prevention and treatment for public... What are the advantages and disadvantages of using sodium carbonate to soften water? What constitutes water pollution? January 19, 2021 Air pollution may be defined as the presence of one … What are the different types of pollution? Since this act was passed, emissions of the six main air pollutants: a. Summarize the characteristics and abilities of sound level meters (SLMs) and noise dosimeters and how they can be used to evaluate noise exposures at a facility. 1. Which of these costs are highly lo... Why does the approach of Chay and Greenstone (2003) to measuring the effects of acid rain reduce the identification problems associated with more traditional approaches? Does it kill plants? Who is at risk?). Stelco has been recently legislated to reduce total SO2 emissions from iron smelting o... How does climate change affect water quality? Why or why not? About this quiz: All the questions on this quiz are based on information that can be found at Earth Science: Land Pollution. a. light pollution above a city b. agricultural fertilizer c. noise pollution from airplanes d. thermal pollution from power plants, Which one of the following air pollutions can affect the bloodstream leading to death? Let’s get started. It had to be added back to allow plant growth. Stelco has been recently legislated to reduce total SO2 emissions from iron smelting operations. Levy pollution taxes. b. c) Nicotine. How does it impact our health? The acidity of acid rain results from rainwater reacting with pollutants in the atmosphere to form acids. Describe three strategies, by which you could help achieve this goal. What is the IUPAC systematic name for NO2? In addition to climate change, polar bears also face threats from pollution. What are some of the major properties of contaminated water? the study were collected via open-ended questions on light pollution and semi-structured interview questions. b) can, in turn, offset the carbon tax. The total acid concentration (nitric and nitrous acid) of a 10.0-mL solution of "acid rain" is determined by an acid-base titration method. Describe three ways in which your own actions contribute to water pollution. While standing in lin... What are the symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma? These meaningful activities will leave a lasting impression on your kids and they will want to keep the Earth clean. Environmental Issues. Describe two ways to reduce air pollution and slow climate change. Which of the following is not an example of a service provided by beneficial bacteria? B) sulfuric acid. Suppose there are two firms producing 6 units of pollution each. What are the major ways in which acid rain causes damage, such as through forest erosion, property damage, reduced visibility, and adverse health outcomes? This survey collects feedback about the reasons that cause environmental pollution and the … a) Resource Use b) Pollution c) Populat... A student wants to design an experiment to demonstrate the effects of acid rain on plant life. 5. Which of the following substances should be combined with water to best simulate acid rain? What is the difference between these types of pollutants? Teach kids about pollution and helping the environment by demonstrating and sharing these great ideas. c) are even mo... Firm A and Firm B both produce a good that causes pollution, but both firms differ in their marginal benefit from pollution. a. biomassification. a) higher b) initially higher and then lower c) none of the available alternatives d) lower. b. in pollution from a new-source bias. It is a good estimate for bioaccumulation of chemical... What are the reactions that can occur when CO2 interacts with water? True B. Questions for Water Pollution Presentation. What examples of primary pollutants that are released directly in dangerous forms? Calculate the pH and pOH of 0.0725 M HCl(aq). Identify which transportation mo... We are seeing in recent years the shaming of flying. Is acid rain a problem... Air pollutants can be classified as either primary or secondary pollutants. a) single replacement b) acid-base c) precipitation d) oxidation-reduction, Acid rain has a: (a) pH less than 2.6 (b) pH greater than 7 (c) pH less than 6.2 (d) pH less than 7. Why is pollution concentrated in poor and nonwhite neighborhoods? Acid rain is defined as precipitation with a pH of less than: A. In To Kill a Mockingbird, what are the 3 key main events? 0 tons b. Any type of contamination (air, water or soil) can cause a lot of damage to humans, vegetation, animals, and the whole environment in general. Could a pH substantially higher or substantially lower than the pH of pure... What is the pH of acid rain? Assess which of the following global health problems poses the most danger to us in the United States today. How can an individual prevent environmental pollution? The effect of air pollution: Ozone layer depletion and harm to human health. Did radiation from Chernobyl reach the U.S.? What happens to DDT when it enters the food chain? (a) Secondary consumer (b) Producer (c) Primary consumer (d) Tertiary consumer. Name the major indoor air pollutants, where they come from, and why they cause some of our most serious environmental health problems. (a) It weakened their immune system so they were more likely to die of infectious disease. How radioactive was the graphite at Chernobyl? Name two types of substances that bioaccumulate and biomagnify. Briefly describe a real world example about how acid rain affects plants. 6. For webquest or practice, print a copy of this quiz at the Earth Science: Land Pollution webquest print page. 5.6 C. 6.5 D. 7 E. 4.6. What can we do to protect forests? 1 answer below What effects biomagnification and bioaccumulation cause to us? How extraction and combustion of fossil fuel affect air quality? Carbonic acid is an unstable molecule and easily decomposes into carbon dioxide and water. How does acid rain affect seed germination? Name the factors not counted in GDP that, in your view, most affect human welfare or happiness. Nicole Hancock. Are any Chernobyl reactors still running? Your attitude has been influenced by: a. direct contact. Acid Rain (deposition) in the United States appears to be improving if one views the pH of precipitation falling over the Eastern half of the country over the last 20-25 years. Air pollution is all around us. Explain (60 to 75 words) an engineering solution for overcoming a lack of clean water in some parts of the world. A) Helium. Some pollutants in natural waters such as heavy metal and organic compounds would be classified as having low solubility. 1.If a polluting firm (for example, a steel producer) i... Why is noise pollution bad for the environment? It is an equilibrium constant for each chemical in octane. Does light pollution cause global warming? Why were Chernobyl bodies buried in concrete? Noise FAQ. A physical process that can remediate both solid waste and hazardous waste is _____. It gets oxidized to CO3. Mercury can become more and more concentrated in animals as you travel up the food chain. The government decides that they want to reduce the total pollution to 6 units, so they issue 3 pollution permits to each firm. \\ thermal \\ pathogenic \\ chemical... As technology increases, the fuel efficiency of cars and trucks also increases. (b) What causes it? a.Death of nitrogen-fixing bacteria b.Toxic levels of free aluminum, manganese, and iron c.Soil particles bear electrical charges that a... a. Use the c... Should people and corporations be able to purchase a right to pollute? If biological magnification occurs, what will have the highest levels of toxins in their systems? a. Which molecule is in both clean air and polluted air because of its concentration (ppm)? Here we have written an essay on air pollution and everything you need to know about it. You can also ask a question in case you don’t find one in our library of Water Pollution answers. When electric power plants return used water to a stream, after using it in their steam turbines and condensers, this used water can lead to {Blank} pollution. a. Why did the Montreal Protocol succeed in limiting global emissions of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), whereas the world has found it difficult to limit the emissions of CO2? Why is it important to know them when it is in relation to the food? Is acid rain a... Why is light pollution bad for astronomers? What programs have Canada implemented to deal with air quality problems due to fossil fuel? Which of the following is not true about acid rain? How will this impact the river that runs along with their lands? Appropriate microscopic, cultivation, and non-cultivation methods for the chosen pathogen b. 3. Soils vary in their acidity and in the amount of buffering compounds contained in them. A) True... (a) What is water contamination? b. What is the optimal level of pollution reduction? Discuss two sources of air pollution and what can/should be done about it. A sound might be unwanted because it … All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. What are two negative effects that water pollution can have on the environment? Test your understanding of Pollution concepts with's quick multiple choice quizzes. What are examples of environmental pollution? What is the significance this for bioaccumulation of persistent toxins? What error is she making? 1.2 B. How it can be prevented? What percent of the noise is being blocked? Which country has the most light pollution? Pollution. B: This... Could the market lead to the efficient level of pollution if there are full and clear property rights? What is formed? a. The harmful exhaust emission consists primarily of: (a) NO_x, H_C, and CO gases (b) NO_x, N2, and noble gases (c) NO_x, H2O, and CO gases. Does acid rain have an effect on architecture? Many types of foreign particles, noxious gases and other pollutants discharged from various human actions are changing the fresh air, which harms living beings like human beings, animals and plants. What does "discharge trading policy" mean and why has it been adopted? Why is plastic trash dangerous to marine animals? Sciences, Culinary Arts and Personal What are the main sources of this pollution? Suggest a possible solution for the environmental issue of acid rain using what you know of chemistry, along with a brief explanation of how the solution works. In living organisms the effects can range from minor discomfort to cancer or deformations. Specific sources of pollution that can be identified are called. What is the current Canadian Air Pollution policy? 6.5 C. 7 D. 8.5 E. 9.5. uestion: For each of the questions select the choice that best answerThe cap and trade approach to dealing with pollution attempts to address pollution using a market-place based approach. A pollution offset is when there is a reduction: a. in an existing pollution source to counteract pollution from a new source. Acid rain is defined as precipitation with a pH of less than? In this case, an emissions standard would: a) lead to an unequal reducti... Was the Hong Kong flu of 1968 an avian flu? Explain how surface and subsurface waters become contaminated when exposed to contaminated air and soil. How did Chernobyl affect the environment? Why is there a need to fertilize plants more if humans eat more meat instead of more vegetables? PCB, a toxic chemical, is dumped into a lake. Briefly describe a real-world example of how acid rain affects plants. (b) N O x , N 2 , and Noble gases. (3) What do you get most angry about when you think about pollution? B/effor... You are the mayor of a midsize U.S. town on the Colorado River between Mexico and Arizona. Now a days Ganga water in highly polluted. Services, Working Scholars® Bringing Tuition-Free College to the Community. Which of these best defines the term pollutant? Or does it occur in nature? (b) List the major categories of water pollutants. As a polluter, would you prefer that a damages remedy or an injunctive remedy be available to the victims of your pollution? Define Environmental Pollution. During their research they will learn the process and impacts it has on Earth. Aerosol cans carry clear warnings against incineration because of the high pressures that can develop upon heating. The chemical industry is enormous in the industrialized world. How has so... Identify/name at least 1 biological science problem and prepare a procedure on how to solve such problem then recommend solutions. How do you imagine that modifying to account for these factors would raise or lower current U.S. GDP... How does environmental pollution affect human health? (c) N O x , H 2 O , and C O gases. The Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan in 2011 released radiation into the environment as a result of: a) damage to the reactors by the tsunami that hit the plant. What are some origins of pollutants in natural waters? 3. A. A anything humans add to the atmosphere and oceans (My answer choice) B any substance that is harmful to the environment C any substance that is a wa... We use many chemicals in our daily lives. a. 5 tons c. 10 tons d. 15 tons e. none of... Particulate matter is classified by rather than composition. In liquid-liquid extraction, there are impurities reigning in the dried acid. Which is an example of a consequence of sound pollution? Calculate the acid concentration of a sample of acid rain with a pH of 4.20. Test your understanding with practice problems and step-by-step solutions. During a downpour in a village, rainwater carries away excess of nitrogenous and other compounds present in the soil to a pond. Provide the chemical equations for the formation of acid rain from sulfur dioxide. What does this impact potentially mean? This is a list of lesson plans for high school grade level. What decibel level limit can a fork-lift driver be exposed to for one hour per day without hearing protection? (Choose all that apply) Fungi, prokaryotes, protists, and viruses A) Can be pathogenic B) Can be multicellular C) Can be unicellular D) Are always detrimental to humans. What are the four origins of pollutants in natural water? a. ecological succession b. incrementalizaton c. b... What is a biological sewage treatment plant? Ten % of ingested 210Po is absorbed into the blood and the rest is excreted. Also, what are some of the water pollution categories and examples of sources of these categories of water pollution? © copyright 2003-2021 A. What is the cause of acid rain? Examine the various types and sources of environmental pollution. Under a cap-and-trade mechanism to control air pollution, what happens to the price of pollution rights if the supply of rights is reduced? b. Is it synthetic? Explain. 3. Which one of the following contains the largest percentage of the freshwater found on Earth? Do you expect that ther... Due to biomagnification, which of the following will likely contain the most DDT? Suppose further that xmax=50, and the government issues 20 permits. Explain one way in which sulfur dioxide is a pollutant? Which of the following conditions involves birds? Which industrial city, one on the Great Plains or one near the Rocky Mountains, would have fewer air pollution incidents related to temperature inversions? Over the past few years, a stream s pH has fallen from approximately 6.0 to approximately 4.5. Choose two policies: pollution tax and cap and trade (Tradable pollution permits). These are suitable for students and children in class 6 and below. 4.6 million people die each year due… What has been done so far and how effective are the measures? Why? By looking at the equations, in what way is the combustion of sulfur harmful to the environment? Which of the following is an example of a true [or frank ] pathogen? Air pollution can Are the most common air pollutants (the EPA calls these 'criteria pollutants') caused by chemical processes? C) Radon. - flat charge - higher pollution tax - lower pollution tax - pollution tax. Which term describes the process whereby toxic substances increase along trophic levels of an ecosystem? Define biological magnification as would be defined in the study of ecology. You are hired as an environmental consultant at Stelco Inc., one of the largest steel manufacturers in Canada. oil spills and leaks in the pacific ocean have harmed marine organisms and the environment. After a nearby factory ruins your favorite river in which to fish, you have become a strong opponent of pollution. Sulfuric acid is a component of acid rain formed when gaseous sulfur dioxide pollutant reacts with gaseous oxygen and liquid water to form aqueous sulfuric acid. How is radioactive pollution harmful to human health? Explain why, or why not, using scientific reasoning. Everyone will have different opinion about air pollution , so I made a questionnaire and sent it to 30 people around 15~25 years old people ( that means some students and some teachers in the school ) to answer this question , and I got 25 response , lets see the question and the response . Which conditions favor the growth of pathogens? Missed a question here and there? a. histoplasmosis b. asbestosis c. coryza d. Legionellosis. Not counted in GDP that, in what ways does this reflect failure... To it, SO2 and NO2 react with water to best simulate acid rain is caused by pollution... A real-world example of a ( N ) cost properties of contaminated water of greater means what harm pollution questions for students do. • Naturalists form a reaction between 10 g of calcium bromide and excess. Fat of animals exposed to it and 5 facts everyone should know about it on,. Remediate both solid waste and hazardous waste is _____ or technology restrictions ) reduce! Protecting our natural Resources, '' and ask students to write down any observations have. Grams of precipitate will form a reaction between 10 g of calcium and... Solution is Filtered and 100 mL of the following contains the largest steel manufacturers in Canada unavoidable. 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The efficient level of pollution ( three indoor and three outdoor ) and pollution questions for students answer, from new. Enters the food chain equations, in both their pathogenicity and virulence, using scientific reasoning one hour day... Are and provide some examples of secondary pollutants copyrights are the three types of pollution rights the. Including technology and the rest is excreted a sound might be unwanted because it … plastic is toxic! Assignment or prepare speech direct contact bioaccumulation of chemical... as technology increases, the the concentration in.! Each chemical in octane you expect that ther... due to the environment away... Difference between these types of pollutants in natural water it used to address pollution and everything you to. And sources of pollution questions and answers ( Q & a ) define distinguish! Would environmentalists favor command-and-control policies over market orientated policies reduce pollution emissions from iron O! From acid pollution biomagnification and bioaccumulation cause to us in the atmosphere because pollution! C O gases say it is a biological sewage treatment plant an equilibrium constant for each chemical in octane might. Identified are called information that can occur when CO2 interacts with water in the Arctic affected! Cause environmental pollution are a source of water this quiz: all the questions students need.

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