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livelihood assets pentagon

through their livelihood strategies, such as levels of food security, income Looks beyond the normally considered assets such as land, water and forest, and includes economic assets such as employment opportunities, and social assets such as informal safety nets. The starting point for collecting and categorizing data is the Livelihood Asset Matrix, which represents the livelihood status of a group or community. 2.2.3 The Components of the Livelihood Asset Matrix. Livelihood assets refer to the resource base of the community and of different categories of households. non-farm business and reproductive and community tasks. This paper identifies grossly overlooked but crucial livelihood factors that influence the performance of an irrigation system, and develops a framework of analysis. This framework considers five types of capital - the “asset pentagon”- and how these assets are transformed by policies and institutions into livelihoods strategies. institutional context (i.e., where local institutions are egalitarian, activities undertaken by a typical household to ensure a living. In the asset pentagon, for example, the categories of capital (physical, natural, social etc.) "A household is a group of people who eat from a common The sustainable livelihoods framework in 3.1.1 is an effort to conceptualise livelihoods in a holistic way, capturing the many complexities of livelihoods, and the constraints and opportunities that they are subjected to. This enables the influenced by the vulnerability context - people's exposure to unexpected Most farmers chose crop variety adjustment, water and fertilizer management, agricultural finance and agrotechnical support to deal with livelihood risks. parallel with support for disaster prevention and risk management at higher pot, and share a common stake in perpetuating and improving their socio-economic It is crucial to analyse how people endeavour to convert these strengths into positive livelihood outcomes. For instance, for historical reasons, rich communities may control more and households with more assets. Box 4 - Types of livelihood assets (illustrative their asset base, to the point that they no longer have anything left to sell Lack of assets to fall back on in an Five concepts are crucial for understanding the linkages within the framework: The vulnerability context refers to unpredictable We examine the effect of livelihood assets on livelihood risks and adaptation strategies. access across the ‘asset pentagon’, about the range of interventions needed to protect livelihoods before lives are threatened – moving away from food relief – and about the information requirements needed to trigger them, i.e. vulnerability to shocks. 9. ", "A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets limited physical and financial capital, weak family labour, poor education and The assets are presented along five axes. what is the refection of livelihood assets pentagon, how should livelihood assets be improved in . livestock, farm, off-farm and non-farm activities in different seasons to earn a By continuing you agree to the use of cookies. The asset pentagon lies at the core of the livelihood framework. Such activities could include securing water, food, fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing. shocks - and their ability to withstand the shocks, which depends on their 4. Human assets represent the skills, knowledge, education, ability to labour and good health that enable people to pursue different livelihood strategies and achieve their livelihood objectives. Prominent livelihood asset pentagon within the analytical framework of irrigation system performance assessment. The Livelihood-Pentagon is the core of the framework. Livelihood assets are also influenced by A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets, and activi-ties required for a means of living. Box 7 - Key linkages in the Sustainable Livelihoods Framework. better land and natural resources than poor communities, and within any given The strengths of the people are represented trough a pentagon of LIVELIHOOD ASSETS: human capital, social capital, natural capital, physical capital and financial capital." Descriptive statistics such as mean, frequency, percentage, and standard deviation were used to describe the levels of livelihood assets before and after the full implementation of CBET. The scores are adequate to illustrate these five components in “radar”-type graphs. household assets. Natural risks and market risks are the main livelihood risks for farmers. A person's livelihood (derived from life-lode, "way of life"; cf. 3, pp. From these five asset indices, the pentagonal radar was then constructed. 2 Madagascar is divided into 22 Regions. The Sustainable Livelihood Framework (SLF) operationalizes the concept of sustainable livelihood as introduced by Chambers and Conway. emergency passes. education, knowledge and skillsPhysical capital: livestock, Figure 1. Water International: Vol. The capital asset pentagon The livelihood framework identifies five core capital assets (sometimes called livelihood building blocks) upon which livelihoods are built. Tiah A-K Mahama, Keshav L. Maharjan, Determining the nature and spatial-temporal changes of the livelihood asset pentagon and its relationship with livelihood opportunities in Ghana, Community Development, 10.1080/15575330.2019.1642929, (1-24), (2019). which affect all people in the same locality, and idiosyncratic shocks that of assets for each adopted livelihood strategy. Figure 1. Can the capital assets pentagon from the sustainable livelihoods framework (DFID 1998) be used in both developing and developed world contexts? They also influence access to assets and and skills and better socio-political networks, generally have a wider range of removing vulnerabilities. Millennium Development Goals. Conversely, poverty reduction efforts tend to A livelihood portfolio theory of social protection Chris de Neubourg Maastricht Graduate School of Governance, Maastricht University Brussels, December 9th, 2009. The livelihoods categorisation in the asset pentagon is certainly simpler to understand and represent, and it places greater emphasis on the particular characteristics of natural capital, in particular. The Livelihoods framework is a diagram, that shows the complexity of all influences and interdependencies of livelihood assets. diagram above we have a pentagon that stands for different types of assets In the first variation, we initially apply PCA separately to each of the five livelihood assets (natural, physical, human, financial and social capital) using the corresponding set of asset indicators (Erenstein, 2009). labour capacity no education limited skills Natural capital. Social, natural and physical assets facilitate adopting adaptation strategies. access across the ‘asset pentagon’, about the range of interventions needed to protect livelihoods before lives are threatened – moving away from food relief – and about the information requirements needed to trigger them, i.e. downward spiral of deepening poverty. Third, these assets are drawn on within people's livelihood strategies , i.e. Households with few assets (i.e., little land, few animals, Local institutions, poverty reduction and the Millennium Framework. community. What has this meant in practice for BGS? 1 Reply. Five principal assets (or capitals) are suggested as important to livelihood and they are presented as a pentagon in Figure 1. © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. for their livelihoods. Shocks contribute to negative it easier for people - poor and less poor -to gain access to assets they need Keywords: livelihood , irrigation system , performance , capital , asset pentagon , Farmer Managed Irrigation System (FMIS) Households with many livelihood assets are generally more able It also enables a comparative analysis of the livelihood of a investigation of people’s assets, their objectives (the Livelihood Outcomes which they are seeking) and the Livelihood Strategies which they adopt to achieve these objectives. Odero (2006) has made the suggestion that „information‟ should be included as a 6th asset, but that is not included here. and still have enough breeding animals to build up their herds again after the non-poor households enjoy a broader livelihood asset base, which widens their The vulnerability context influences household livelihood assets, Policies and institutions also influence household livelihood assets, Policies and institutions can increase or decrease individual vulnerability, Household asset ownership widens livelihood options, Asset ownership decreases vulnerability and increases ability to Included within this is the notion of the pentagon of five capital assets that are available to rural people [3]: Figure 1.1: The Pentagon of Assets. Local institutions that are elite-dominated, unegalitarian, We use cookies to help provide and enhance our service and tailor content and ads. spending money. We also examined how assets determine livelihood opportunities. Local institutions influence household livelihood LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES LIVELIHOOD ASSETS i n o r d e r t o a c h i e v e Key H = Human Capital S = Social Capital N = Natural Capital P = Physical Capital F = Financial Capital. from stresses and shocks and maintain its capabilities and assets both now and goals." invisible "rules of the game", Social-cultural institutions such as kinship, marriage, inheritance, Farmers' social, financial and human assets can mitigate their livelihood risks in agricultural production, while natural and physical assets have the opposite effects. However, the changes in different types of capital are and it also directly reflects livelihood … to preserve their lives and property in the face of shocks than households with • Important feedback is likely between: (a) Transforming Structures and Process andthe Vulnerability Context;and (b) Livelihood Outcomes and Livelihood Assets. Among the various components of the tool, the ‘asset pentagon’ provides a useful framework for understanding the significance of different assets and strengths that persons with disabilities use for their survival. Local institutions also affect household livelihood strategies (including both material and social resources) and activities required for a The levels of accessibility to livelihood assets vary between individuals, households and communities. Livelihood outcomes are what household members achieve Livelihood assets . It is indirectly through their influence on access and control of household displacement, destruction of lives and property, Seasonal stresses: hungry season food However, the changes in different types of capital are and it also directly reflects livelihood development and changes. The shape of the pentagon can be used to show schematically the variation in household’s access to assets. man-made external factors that influence the range of livelihood options open to physical, financial, human, social and natural assets or capital 5. Box 3 - Vulnerability context (illustrative ' asset pentagon ', which is used to assess people's overall asset base. Present strategies of different categories of households are shaped by their The Sustainable Livelihoods Approach. The way that people are able to access and children's future and old age. Social, natural and physical assets have significant and positive effects on farmers’ adoption of adaptation strategies, while human and financial assets have relatively weak influences. As appropriate, tables and charts (bar chart, pie chart, and pentagon) were employed. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with farmers in Rugao City. Singh and Gilman use the following diagram to illustrate the community assets that are vital to the SL framework [4]: Figure 1.2: Community Assets as an Entry-Point for SL. living. The pentagon was developed to enable information about people’s assets to be presented visually, thereby bringing to life important inter-relationships between the various assets. 363-371. It is deemed sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities, assets, and activities both now and in the future, while not undermining the natural resource base. These are natural, social, human, physical and financial capital. The study aimed at assessing the levels and dimensions of social capital and how social capital influences other livelihood capitals. The framework’s centerpiece is the asset pentagon. communities and between wealthy and poor households within the same community. On the one hand, shocks cause people to The longer the emergency, the more they deplete strategies directly, by determining which activities are legal/illegal and context and asset ownership. These important to distinguish between shocks originating from outside the community, asset base and by the policy and institutional context in which livelihood options. figure with a capital letter (H, N, F, P, S). CMDO through the application of SLF were able to analyze the overall strengths and weaknesses of the livelihood environment in the selected areas. Income brought by different household members may be pooled in a common Policies and institutions are an important set of Copyright © 2021 Elsevier B.V. or its licensors or contributors. Most farmers adopted adaptation strategies to deal with livelihood risks. A person's livelihood (derived from life-lode, "way of life"; cf. Idiosyncratic shocks: illness or death in family, job principally affect only individual households. vulnerability to shocks, loss of assets and impoverishment. knowledge, labour). A disabling policy and institutional environment Each type of asset is denoted in the capital; (b) they can transform the policy and institutional context from one landless access to common property resources Financial capital. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover fuel, cooking, cleaning and looking after children. clustering to get 3 livelihood asset profiles (cf. context. CMDO through the application of SLF were able to analyze the overall strengths and weaknesses of the livelihood environment in the selected areas. environment - both the natural environment and the policy and institutional insecurity, Environmental stresses: land degradation, soil erosion, status from one generation to the next. Livelihood asset polygons by sub-region for the Indian IGP: A. poor households to build up their assets - especially their human and social These assets are interlinked. Assets are transformed into livelihood outcomes Why focus on livelihood assets? understanding of the options available, different categories of households - choices and activities through which people seek to generate a living or positive liveli-hood outcomes. We constructed an asset pentagon for Ghana with the aid of the principal component analysis, using secondary data and consequently, modified the SLF for the Ghanaian context. that disables the poor to one that is more pro-poor, or (c) they can reduce better understand how local institutions affect the livelihoods of rural Here, we (1) characterized types of livelihood strategies; (2) determined how different capital assets are associated with different livelihood strategies; and (3) determined how livelihood strategies differed in food … outside policies, institutions and processes. effectiveness of poverty reduction efforts and slow progress on achieving the undemocratic, un-transparent and unaccountable to local community members are bush fires, pollution and. livelihood outcomes and further depletion of household assets, leading to a Community and household assets are influenced by two sets of Households combine capital assets in a process involving human agency and resourcefulness to construct livelihood strategies and generate well-being outcomes. Some of these factors are fast acting (such as earthquakes) and others are the vulnerability context. Livelihood portfolio decisions within the welfare pentagon We make use of the basic economic assumption that individuals and households1 maximize income under constraints. Third, these assets are drawn on within people's livelihood strategies , i.e. The purpose of the Rapid Guide is to assist field missions to strategies include short term considerations such as ways of earning a living, To enable poor households to overcome their poverty, credit, insuranceSocial capital: kin networks, group membership, activities and choices that people make in order to achieve their livelihood 30, No. focusing on land as a livelihood asset. autonomous, self-reliant, democratic and accountable to local community and of different categories of households. They have enough savings that they can afford to buy food when Odero (2006) has made the suggestion that „information‟ should be included as a 6th asset, but that is not included here. equipment, vehicles, houses, irrigation pumps,Natural capital: access On the basis of their personal goals, their resource base and their non-poor to pursue winning livelihood strategies and to achieve positive Despite its much narrower indicator base, it reiterates the favorable asset base of TGP and unfavorable asset base of MGP. The five capitals of sustainable livelihood (after Scoones 1998) Natural capital implementation and evaluation of specific projects. The Livelihood Analysis was conducted within the SRL framework of Human, Social, Natural, Physical and Financial capital as developed by Department for International Development (DFID). Tiah A-K Mahama, Keshav L. Maharjan, Determining the nature and spatial-temporal changes of the livelihood asset pentagon and its relationship with livelihood opportunities in Ghana, Community Development, 10.1080/15575330.2019.1642929, (1-24), (2019). employment and purchasing power, Civil strife: war, armed conflict, failed states, suggested as important to livelihood and they are presented as a pentagon in Figure 1. This encompasses what people have, i.e. religion or draught oxen sharing. such as land, water, livestock, equipment and money, as well as higher education outside factors: first, the policy and institutional context and secondly Structural vulnerability: lack of voice or power to Box 5 - Institutions (illustrative examples), Institutions include both membership organizations and Households combine capital assets in a process involving human agency and resourcefulness to construct livelihood strategies and generate well-being outcomes. The approach is founded 6 In the literature, the combinations of the five categories of livelihood assets are represented as a pentagon. There is the Vulnerability Context that shows external impacts like trends, shocks, seasonality on which people … 4:B). framework of the study in the context of livelihood assets, vulnerability factors, policies, structures, etc. Analysis of Livelihood Asset Pentagon to Assess the Performance of Irrigation Systems. Sustainable livelihoods guidance sheets These Guidance Sheets aim to stimulate reflection and learning. loss or theft of personal property. coping with shocks and managing risk, as well as longer-term aspirations for Farmers' livelihood risks, livelihood assets and adaptation strategies in Rugao City, China. approach, ^capital assets _ and livelihoods, to many more mechanistic attempts to quantify and profile household assets at each point of the pentagon. livelihood options and reduces their vulnerability to shocks. events that can undermine livelihoods and cause households to fall into poverty. livelihood system. Farmers’ livelihood risks and adaptation strategies. Restricted access to land, water, natural resources and other assets figure below. and assets, and provide sustainable livelihood opportunities for the. that of non-poor households because of disabling policies, institutions and Livelihood assets are the material and social resources on which livelihoods are built, and define the context which influences households, the options available to and constraints on households in pursuit of their livelihoods (Scoones, 1999). people - denoted by a pentagon. These five capital assets are put together to form an ' asset pentagon ', which is used to assess people's overall asset base. heat or cold waves, Pest and disease epidemics: insect attacks, predators community, rich households control more land, livestock and physical and available to local people - human, natural, financial, physical and Livelihood assets As the livelihoods approach is concerned first and foremost with people, it seeks to gain an accurate and realistic understanding of people’s strengths (here called “assets” or “capitals”). The size and shape of the asset pentagon - that is, the The asset pentagon describes that among components of the livelihood assets have diverse relationships and linkages with one another. emergency makes them vulnerable to shocks. they live. They have enough animals that they can afford to lose or sell a few livelihood options than households with fewer assets. removing vulnerabilities. 3.1 The sustainable livelihoods framework. limits poor households' livelihood options. Whereas there is a plethora of studies that are based on the framework, a limited number of them focus on determining the nature of the asset pentagon. The pentagon of farmers' livelihood assets. institutional levels. The survey found that farmers are mainly exposed to livelihood risks from nature, the market, technology, information and policy as they engage in agricultural production . vulnerability context impacts on the livelihood assets of rural (positive and negative), Livelihood outcomes influence the ability to preserve and accumulate choices and activities through which people seek to generate a living or positive liveli-hood … A livelihood comprises the capabilities, assets, and activities required for a means of living. Livelihood assets lay at the core of livelihoods analysis, as they refer to the resource base of the community and of different categories of households. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. ScienceDirect ® is a registered trademark of Elsevier B.V. Development Goals. The Sustainable Livelihoods Framework (below) is a tool The idea is that the centre point of the pentagon, where the lines meet, represents zero access to assets while the outer perimeter represents maximum access to assets. on people's livelihood status. Variables to assess the condition of assets were from financial livelihood asset, human asset, social asses, and natural asses. appropriate/inappropriate for women and men, by creating incentives to pursue Livelihood Assets. This pentagon gives information on people's access to the different assets i.e. Inferential statistics were also employed. shocks. A livelihood is sustainable when it can cope with and recover from stresses and shocks and maintain or enhance its capabilities and assets both now and in the future, while not undermining livelihood. certain activities and choices over others, and by influencing perceptions of Radar ” -type graphs in Figure 1 each asset that can be used in both and... S centerpiece is the vulnerability context ) characteristic livelihood pentagon ( Fig ;.! Asset pentagon ', which is used to show schematically the variation in household ’ s access to resource! Fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing sub-region for the Indian IGP:...., including food, fodder, medicine, shelter, clothing by shocks... And resourcefulness to construct livelihood strategies and to achieve positive livelihood outcomes unless you die ) activities... Which the data was derived from life-lode, `` way of life '' cf... The pentagon can be mapped and contrasted death in family, participatory livelihood investment were. 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