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inspired in a sentence

He was inspired by the study of his great English contemporaries. The book is said to have inspired Voltaire's Saul. The truest criticism of William Morris is that attributed to his friend, the poet Swinburne, who said that he was always more truly inspired by literature than by life. Krauss complains that only he and Krafft von Delmensingen, Below's chief-of-staff, had been inspired by adequate ambitions for the attack. She doubted it was pity that inspired his proposal. It was in vain that, on the death of Ladislaus, which took place unexpectedly (August 6, 1414), John was inspired with the idea of breaking his compact with Sigismund and returning to Rome, at the same time appealing to Louis of Anjou. Day 6 - Donegal to Galway We head south through county Sligo which inspired the writing of WB Yeats and visit a famine graveyard. In the 4th and 5th centuries, Nicholas had inspired them. . One party was led by Disraeli, who was supposed to represent the traditional policy of England of maintaining the rule of the Turk at all hazards; the other, inspired by the example of Gladstone, was resolved at all costs to terminate oppression, but was at the same time distrusted as indirectly assisting the ambitious views by which the Eastern policy of Russia had always been animated. Elizabeth required Grindal to suppress the "prophesyings" or meetings for discussion which had come into vogue among the Puritan clergy, and she even wanted him to discourage preaching; she would have no doctrine that was not inspired by her authority. When Darwin and Wallace framed their theories it was practically assumed that acquired characters were inherited, and the continuous slow action of the environment, moulding each generation to a slight extent in the same direction, was readily accepted by a generation inspired by Sir C. Lyell's doctrine of uniformi tarianism in geological change, as a potent force. These travels must have profited him greatly, and we have our share of the advantage; not so much, however, in The Wondrous Tale of Alroy or Tancred, or the "Revolutionary Epic" which he was inspired to write on "the windy plains of Troy," but in the letters he sent home to his sister. Other poets of the so-called Ukraine school, which has been so well inspired by the romantic legends of that part of Russia, are Thomas or Timko Padoura (who also wrote in the Malo-Russian, or Little-Russian, language), Alexander Groza, and Thomas Olizarowski. Gylippus was felt to be the representative of Sparta, and of the Peloponnesian Greeks generally, and his arrival inspired the Syracusans with the fullest confidence. Minos, instead of sacrificing' it, spared its life, and Poseidon, as a punishment, inspired Pasiphae with an unnatural passion for it. 81) his father took him to Rome, where he was educated under his father's friend, the poet and military commander, P. Pomponius Secundus; who inspired him with a lifelong love of learning. 180-193) there were "evangelists of the word" possessed of "inspired zeal to emulate apostles" (v. These were supposed to be celestial beings who, inspired by love of the human race, had taken the so-called Great Resolve to become future Buddhas, and who therefore descended from heaven when the actual Buddha was on earth, to pay reverence to him, and to learn of him. Partly, no doubt, her popularity was due to the disgust inspired by her rival, Louise de Keroualle, duchess of Portsmouth, and to the fact that, while the Frenchwoman was a Catholic, she was a Protestant. He founded no less than three colleges, two at Oxford, one at Higham Ferrers, while there is reason to believe that he suggested and inspired the foundation of Eton and of King's College. "The report of the reforms commission was not made public, but as the fruit of its deliberations King Leopold signed on the 3rd of June 1906 a number of decrees embodying various While the commission was sitting, further evidence was forthcoming that the system complained of on the Congo remained unaltered, and that the" reforms "of June 1906 were illusory. Maybe that was what inspired her to come back to get her daughter. inspired by myths and legends and have given them visual form. The very footsteps of the stranger, which were heard now and then as he traversed his chamber, The very possibility that he might purchase a hold on her, Rapid was the progress of the love affair between a young man and a young woman, both, I refer them always to the revelation, the, It was just a practical matter-of-fact device; but what magnificent utilitarianism, what an, For it is of more consequence to know that A was, He has deeper, wilder, and more original feeling in music, and he is more, At the debate in Leipzig Eck contended that the Latin Vulgate was, The talk of building great bridges, of spanning mighty chasms, and of tunnelling mountains, Our proceedings, which are supposed to be, The first thing that made its appearance was an, He was a truculent, untamable rough, evidently, Inspired in a sentence | Short example sentence for inspired[Class 1-5], Trees in a sentence | Short example sentence for trees[Class 1-5], Horrified in a sentence | Short example sentence for horrified[Class 1-5], Scenery in a sentence | Short example sentence for scenery[Class 1-5], Occupied in a sentence | Short example sentence for occupied[Class 1-5], Mountains in a sentence | Short example sentence for mountains[Class 1-5], Start in a sentence | Short example sentence for start[Class 1-5], Hooting in a sentence | Short example sentence for hooting[Class 1-5], That Day in a sentence | Short example sentence for that day[Class 1-5], Negligence in a sentence | Short example sentence for negligence[Class 1-5], Genres in a sentence | Short example sentence for genres[Class 1-5], Contemporary in a sentence | Short example sentence for contemporary[Class 1-5], Fiction in a sentence | Short example sentence for fiction[Class 1-5], Influences in a sentence | Short example sentence for influences[Class 1-5], Films in a sentence | Short example sentence for films[Class 1-5], Comic in a sentence | Short example sentence for comic[Class 1-5], Musical in a sentence | Short example sentence for musical[Class 1-5], Parody in a sentence | Short example sentence for parody[Class 1-5]. Thus gradually was formed the master of style - whose command of the instrument was supreme, and who played like an inspired poet. In the words of Dean Church, it was "Keble who inspired, Froude who gave the impetus and Newman who took up the work"; but the first organization of it was due to H. Robertson (Short History of Free Thought) points out, he had great influence upon Bentham, and C. Beccaria states that he himself was largely inspired by Helvetius in his attempt to modify penal laws. A renewed defection, inspired apparently by aversion to the aristocratic government of the Walls Of Mantineia. The decline of Mazzinis influence was accompanied by the rise of a new movement in favor of Italian unity under Victor Emmanuel, inspired by the Milanese marquis Giorgio New Pallavicini, who had spent 14 years in the Spielberg, Unio~lsi and by Manin, living in exile in Paris, both of them moveex-republicans who had become monarchists. . Examples of Inspired in a sentence. Examples of inspired oxygen in a sentence, how to use it. JAKARTA, Indonesia (AP) — A firebrand cleric who inspired bombings in Bali and other attacks walked free from an Indonesian prison Friday after completing his sentence for funding the training of Islamic militants. English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families The Word "Series" in Example Sentences Page 1. Whether you’re looking for high-end labels or cheap, economy bulk purchases, we guarantee that it’s here on AliExpress. It was, moreover, the tradition of the Prussian court and the Prussian government (and it must be remembered that the imperial government is inspired by Prussian traditions) that the nobility and peasants were in a peculiar way the support of the crown and the state. It was inspired by the most uncompromising hostility towards the king of Prussia. In 1688 he was elected doge, and in 1693 he took command of the Venetian forces against the Turks for the fourth time; the enemy which had been cruising in the archipelago withdrew at his approach, so great was the terror inspired by his name. Doubtless, at the first founding of the school Zeno himself and Zeno's pupils were inspired with this hope; they emulated the Cynics Antisthenes and Diogenes, who never shrank out of modesty from the name and its responsibilities. 11 to no. Encke, it is true, derived from them in 1822-1824 what seemed an authentic parallax of 8.57", implying a distance of 95,370,000 m.; but the confidence it inspired was finally overthrown in 1854 by P. A. The financial situation inspired serious misgivings. Five days after his arrival in Ujiji he was inspired with new life by the timely arrival of H. Numerous other pamphlets appeared, inspired or controlled by Sarpi, who had received the further appointment of censor over all that should be written at Venice in defence of the republic. The government was inspired by the narrowest clericalism, which culminated in the attempt to withdraw the Bavarian bishops from the jurisdiction of the great German metropolitans and place them directly under that of the pope. Although he was ten years younger than Diane, she inspired the young prince with a profound passion, which lasted until his death. I wonder if that's what inspired the new stubble look – because it is so hard to get a close shave. She doubted it was pity that inspired his proposal. The charge of simony was inspired by Jesuit hatred; there is absolutely no evidence that Ganganelli pledged himself to suppress the order. All eyes were consequently turned to the energetic German king, Sigismund, who was inspired by the best motives, and who succeeded in surmounting the formidable obstacles which barred the way to an ecumenical council. question was now mooted in the cabinet of dropping the Associations Law; but on the 21st of January Seor Caifalejas, president of the lower house, who was credited with having inspired the bill, publicly declared that in that event he would cease to support the government. You’re in the right place for inspired in a sentence. More on the Meaning of inspire A new-born Hellenism, or divine cultus of beauty presented itself before his inspired soul.". It's not so easy to get inspired anymore. To these must be added the Neoplatonically inspired Fons Vitae of the Jewish philosopher and poet Ibn Gabirol, or Avicebron. Examples of Inspire in a sentence. folk art, Americana and New England inspired seasonal decorations, home decor and much more! This was his policy during the revolt of Mehemet Ali, and it was Nesselrode who inspired the terms of the famous treaty of Unkiar Skelessi (1833). But they are the words of an inspired apostle; and to reject such testimony is to undermine the authority of Holy Scripture. 515. would seem to have been inspired by the sight or the description of the never-to-be-forgotten procession of the victorious Maccabees in 164 B.C. As no one could curse Jesus except under the influence of a devilish afflatus, so none could say "Jesus is Lord" except he was inspired by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps in consequence of his bereavement, Donne seems to have passed through a spiritual crisis, which inspired him with a peculiar fervour of devotion. Examples of inspired the in a sentence: 1. Aristotle was no longer strained through the meshes of Boetius; study of and the new light inspired Roscellinus with heresy. he had imbibed from his Swiss tutor, Frederic Cesar de Laharpe, the principles of Rousseau's gospel of humanity; from his military governor, General Soltikov, the traditions of Russian autocracy; while his father had inspired him with his own passion of military parade, and taught him to combine a theoretical love of mankind with a practical contempt for men. the arrest of the editor of the Constanzer Seeblatt, a friend of Hecker's, in Karlsruhe station on the 8th of April), inspired Hecker with the idea of an armed rising under pretext of the foundation of the German republic. A formal betrothal took place, and the beauty of the lyrics which Lili inspired leaves no room for doubt that here was a passion no less genuine than that for Friederike or Charlotte. The command to love one's neighbour inspired also Hillel's injunction (Aboth, ii. Another word for inspired. Less restraint was shown in bygone days, when shark attacks sometimes inspiredmass waves of … The most interesting room in this building is that which was occupied by Luther in 1530, where the surroundings may have inspired, though (as is now proved) he did not compose, the famous hymn, Ein' feste Burg ist unser Gott; the bed on which he slept, and the pulpit from which he preached in the old chapel are shown. In St Paul, as in the Apostles, he shows his concern with the larger social life, his sense of fraternity, and a revival of the democratic sentiment which had inspired L'Avenir de la science. Except, however, in the case of the successful attack on Tunis in 1535, and the attempt to take Algiers in 1541, his actions were not inspired by any regard for the interests of his Spanish kingdoms. However, the i spirit of that great legal classic seems to have in a measure dwelt with and inspired the inferior men who were recasting his work; the Institutes is better both in Latinity and in substance than we should have expected from the condition of Latin letters at that epoch, better than the other laws which emanate from Justinian. Anglicanism was a limb of Antichrist; extempore prayers were regarded as inspired: a liturgy was " a Mass-book.". This was in 1761, and the argument inspired him with zeal for the cause of the American colonies. In reply to Rudolf Hospinian's Concordia discors (1607), he wrote a work, rich in historical material but one-sided in its apologetics, Concordia concors (1614), defending the formula of Concord, which he regarded as inspired. Well, as usual, it was Eric who inspired me with his words on how he enjoys living in the safe. folksy music that is both punk and Irish inspired. Assent developed into veneration; he was considered to be divinely inspired, and generally credited with miraculous powers. CK 1 278186 The desire to fly in the sky like a bird inspired the invention of the … He was inspired by the impressionists; Manet, Degas, Pissaro, Sisley, Monet and Cézanne. He grouped around him all the leading writers, publicists and progressive young men of the day; declaimed against prejudices; stimulated the timid; inspired the lukewarm with enthusiasm; and never rested till the constitution of the 3rd of May 1791 had been carried through. Easy to make & use, these free printables are awesome for classroom, homeschool, & family fun. Even more than Herder's precept and example, this passion showed Goethe how trivial and artificial had been the Anacreontic and pastoral poetry with which he had occupied himself in Leipzig; and the lyrics inspired by Friederike, such as Kleine Blumen, kleine Blcitter and Wie herrlich leuchtet mir die Natur! In some districts the young men and boys sleep in the skull-chambers, in order that they may be inspired with courage. Other counter-strokes that his arrival had inspired were at the same time made from different parts of the defensive front, and had the effect of breaking up what was a solid line into a number of disconnected bands, each fighting for its life in the midst of the enemy. His sermons were not remarkable for eloquence, but a certain solidity and balance of judgment, an absence of partisanship, a sobriety of expression combined with clearness and force of diction, attracted hearers and inspired them with confidence. Suidas mentions three: a Boeotian, an Arcadian and an Athenian. Pierre de Breze, who had had a large share in the repression of the Praguerie, obtained through her a dominating influence over the king, and he inspired the monarch himself and the whole administration with new vigour. Montanus, Prisca, and Maximilla were always recognized as the inspired authorities. Moreover, as being inseparably associated with the highest act of worship, it inspired composers in direct proportion to their piety and depth of mind. Belief in the power of the nakshatras evidently inspired the invocations of them in the Atharva-Veda. Although there was much in the official life of Lord Palmerston which inspired distrust and alarm to men of a less ardent and contentious temperament, he had a lofty conception of the strength and the duties of England, he was the irreconcilable enemy of slavery, injustice and oppression, and he laboured with inexhaustible energy for the dignity and security of the Empire. It sounded so gloriously incoherent, and yet inspired, and I was head over heals in love. 0. He did not know Arakcheev personally, had never seen him, and all he had heard of him inspired him with but little respect for the man. Man should worship them, but his worship is the reverence due to the ideals of perfect blessedness; it ought not to be inspired either by hope or by fear. : outstanding or brilliant in a way or to a degree suggestive of divine inspiration gave an inspired performance Examples of inspired in a Sentence She gave an inspired performance. Inspired by apostolic zeal the friars braved the terrors of life in the remote villages, raised the natives The Friars from barbarianism and taught them the forms of Christianity. It is still equally hard to distinguish Greek work from Etruscan art inspired by Greek models. develop of the new environment, and who hold that the"entire process is inspired and guided by the spirit of God. and inspired men of any religion, though analogies in other religions present themselves. His first efforts in verse-making were inspired by the meetings of the Easy Club (founded in 1712), of which he was an original member; and in 1715 he became the Club Laureate. Such petitions as the above are common in the more ancient of the Christian cults, and are all alike inspired by the idea that a spirit or divine virtue can be confined in material objects which are to be brought into contact with or swallowed by men and animals. 488), where Odysseus suggests that the lay of the fall of Troy by Demodocus was inspired by Apollo or the Muse. expressive of inner emotion and inspired by natural phenomena such as waves and winds. There seems no reason to doubt that Lentulus was mainly inspired by selfish motives, and hoped to find in civil war an opportunity for his own aggrandizement. But as Barclay did not inspire confidence his power was limited. leather upholstery in woven beige tones, inspired by a pixilated image of a setting sun, creates a warm atmosphere. What would inspire someone to chisel their name into a rock so far from civilization? If the work begun by Allan Ramsay, continued by Fergusson and completed by Burns, were matter for separate treatment, it would be necessary to show not only that the editorial zeal which turned these writers to the forgotten vernacular and to " popular " themes was inspired by the general conditions of reaction against the artificiality of the century; but that it was because these poets were Scots, and in Scotland, that they chose this line of return to nature and naturalness, and did honour, partly by protest, to the slighted efforts of the " vulgar " muse. CK 439635 Which drama series do you like best? After 1867 the greatest of modern Hungarian statesmen, Francis Peak, attached Csengery to his personal service, and many of the momentous state documents inspired or suggested by Peak were drawn up by Csengery. Having excellence through inspiration. It was this conviction that inspired his whole attitude towards French affairs. In the resolution which was adopted on the 2nd of March the chamber," imbued with the ideas which presided over the foundation of the Congo State and inspired the Act of Berlin,"expressed its confidence in the proposals which the commission of reforms was elaborating, and decided" to proceed without delay to the examination of the projected law of the 7th of August 1901, on the government of Belgium's colonial possessions. 488 ), a certain stateliness and imperious elevation of mind Augustus, and a profound conception of functions. Simply as instruments to promote the grandeur of his own staff in vernacular literature and! Still further relieved the situation around them he said `` inspired and determined '' Romanticism poetry., we guarantee that it ’ s here on AliExpress him, which has produced a collection... Improve on, his tenacity was what inspired her to come back to her. Upon the young men and boys sleep in the sky like a bird inspired the Hudson school... 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