Monthly Archives: August 2013

My take on the Slow-Carb Diet

I don’t believe in dieting.  When someone is “on a diet,” they are temporarily restricting the amount and/or types of food they eat for the purpose of losing weight.  But if the restriction is temporary, the weight loss will be

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Flipping Switches

When you hear stories about people changing their lives, there’s usually some Ah-ha! moment where they knew something had to change.  I don’t know if I believe most of those things.  The media’s job is to tell a story, and

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Being Honest

As I mentioned in last night’s post, it was adapted from two posts I wrote about five years ago.  The adaptations mostly fell into three categories: fixing typos, changing timelines (saying “five years ago” instead of “last week,” etc.), and

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How I Got Here: A History of a Fat Guy

[This post is adapted from two posts I wrote on an old blog a few years ago, found here and here.  I am not taking that blog down even though parts of it are excruciating for me to read.  I’ll

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Getting the Ball Rolling

Welcome to my new blog.  Here, I will focus on what I cheesily like to call me “health journey.”  For me, there are two distinct aspects to this journey: the PHYSICAL (including specifics on how I have lost the weight,

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